Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yet Young

I last night had a shoot with Janes a new-faced model that Step Management sent to me. I spotted some innocence in his eyes despite his mature look. And I finally found that he was only 18!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lee Jae Joon Revisits

Lee Jae Joon a Korean dude who modeled for me in the beginning year just made a revisit. And of course, we did something fun!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One portion of Stephen Sohn's interview

Stephen Sohn ( and I were interviewed in an article about Internet Idol and Social Media by the current students of the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University. This is what Stephen talked about me and it made my day!

How would you describe your experience working with Haruehun Airry?
I am grateful for Airry's help. I still know nothing about the modeling industry and Airry was a great guide and friend. I did have a manager but he didn't get me any job. Although Airry wasn't paid to help me, he was virtually my manager, helping me navigate around Thailand's modeling industry. I am also grateful for the help P'Noom and P'Jeng provided. Trustworthiness is the quintessential quality I value in any relationship and I can say with confidence that Airry is someone I can trust.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Em in Korean

엠 통차이 (Em Thongchai)
1987년 4월 11일생, 키 187cm
의사, 모델, 리바이스 타일랜드 전속모델

엠은 2009년 의대를 다니다가 그의 친구인 하르한 애리 (Haruehun Airry, 포토그래퍼/보도원)를 만나고 난 후 부터 모델이 되기로 결심 하였다.
하르한 애리는 재미교포인 유명 태국 모델 스테판 손을 데뷰시킨 태국 연예계의 거물이다.
2010년에 엠은 모델이 되기 위한 준비를 하였다. 얼마 되지않아 엠은 리바이스 타일랜드의 모델이 되었고, 여러 패션쇼와 연예계 행사에 참석 하였다.
그 중에는 엠을 비판하는 비평가들이 있었는데, 의사는 모델이 될 수 없다고 말하였다.
그의 친구인 애리는 누군가가 엠에 대해 험담을 하든지간에, 엠이 의사로서 사람들에게 친근함을 줄 수 있다고 대변하였다.
엠의 모델계 데뷰는 태국 모델계의 새 시대를 연 것이었고, 환자가 가까이 가기 힘들었던 태국의 오래되고 낡은 의사의 이미지를 탈 바꿈 하는데 성공 하였다.

Credit to Josh Cho, South Korea

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Purified" Promotional

"Purified" the art nude album featuring Artem Golubev is coming soon to celebrate 2,000 fans.

Be part of the history now:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Em made a stopover to visit me for a shoot-for-fun after finishing with his Levi's ads shooting. And yes, I made another star.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bil after a few months

Four months ago, Bil came to ask me some advice about modeling career, and we had a small test shoot. After a body-defining process, today he was ready for his very first job in Bangkok for CPS - CHAPS advertising campaign. Things went well. Congratulations!

And these are some of other quick shots I made.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This is a shoot I made with Ben the aspiring young Thai model. He is currently modeling in New York. The session was book weeks before he returned to Bangkok for his vacation, and we made it!